A Simple Eating Strategy That Actually Works

Get Rid of Complicated Diet Rules

Say goodbye to complicated and restrictive diet rules! With the Eat Stop Eat trick, you can easily improve your health and lose 5-10 lbs in just 24 hours.


simple eating strategy eliminates rebound weight gain and good for diabetics

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This simple eating strategy eliminates rebound weight gain and works for diabetics too since it helps to stabilize blood sugar levels.

This Trick Is Actually Fun

You don't have to worry about depriving yourself of your favorite foods. With the Eat Stop Eat trick, you can still enjoy your favorite meals while also seeing amazing results. This simple eating plan is actually fun and easy to follow and is sure to help you reach your health goals.

so easy

Start Seeing Results Now

Don't wait any longer to start seeing results! With the Eat Stop Eat trick, you can start seeing results right away. You just have to dedicate 24 hours of your time and you will be able to start seeing the amazing benefits of this simple eating plan. So, what are you waiting for? Try the Eat Stop Eat trick now and start achieving your health goals.

FYI: Book Review of Eat Stop Eat:  

Thousands of books have been about intermittent fasting and the benefits it has on people to improve their health.

This is not another fad. Eat Stop Eat is an indispensable guide to the latest science behind using intermittent fasting for effective weight loss.

This protocol helps your blood glucose levels surprisingly.  

I am a 72 yr old female who has type II diabetes since I was 54. I tried every diet every kind of program to help lower my glucose numbers but to no avail nothing I mean nothing seemed to work.  

I am currently on this program for 3 weeks now and am losing weight. Bonus is my glucose levels are going down.

I am a caregiver to my husband and my mom. I do cook every day and give them care. I really thought the fasting would be a problem but so far, I am managing the fasting.

Finding time to do the little bit of exercise is a challenge.

This book has all the answers to your questions and is not a hard read.

There are tons of research and references in this book.

Brad Pilon is a Canadian Author with a graduate degree in Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences. He is one of the world's leading advocates of intermittent Fasting. He has a common sense and a logical approach to improving health, losing fat, and building muscle.

I definitely would recommend this book to anyone who is looking to improve their health and blood sugar numbers.

How Much Protein??

One of the most asked questions that are asked by people is "How much protein should I be eating?

In The book on this topic, Brad Pilon (who has his master's degree in Applied Human Nutrition and is the author of EAT STOP EAT) gives you the real answers about:

-post-workout protein

-If you need protein at every meal

-how much is too much

-is there such thing as too little

and on and on

This book tries to cover it All --How Much Protein It is a great companion to EAT STOP EAT .

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*The information in this article is not medical advice. I am not a doctor. If you have any health issues or concerns consult with your physician.

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